E-learning will help plug training gap

Over 54% of Leasing Brokers firms audited in the BVRLA’s 2019 programme so far were identified as having gaps in the training their staff had undertaken.

The training areas considered as part of the Leasing Broker audit programme are:

  • Complaints Training
  • Compliance Training
  • Approved Persons Training
  • Data Protection Training

Due to changes that will take place on 9 December this year, it will also be important going forward for Leasing Brokers to be able to evidence relevant training for the new Senior Managers and Certification Regime (SM&CR).

Where gaps in these areas have been identified, the BVRLA e-Learning Platform can help. Click on the links below for more information:

For rental members, with reference to those branches audited year to date, the audit data shows that 14% of vehicle checkers could not evidence enough training.

For this reason, keeping an informative training log is key. Over 21% of rental members and 11% of leasing brokers audited this year could not evidence a training log. The BVRLA provide a sample training log that members may wish to use in the Factsheet on Continuing Professional Development.