Brexit: Giving customers the right advice when taking a vehicle abroad

The BVRLA has published Brexit guidance to support members wanting advice for customers who are planning on taking a vehicle abroad.

Drivers of rented or leased vehicles, including company car drivers, will continue to be required to carry a VE103 certificate when taking their vehicle abroad. However, after 29 March other documents may also be required.

Providing members with clarity on what to tell customers is extremely important as providing the right advice will help to protect both the customer and the vehicle asset.

The UK Government has published a helpful tool to help individuals and businesses to understand what is required and what steps need to be taken when taking vehicles abroad. This tool, along with other useful information, is available in the new consumer advice section of the BVRLA website.

Members can direct customers to this by promoting a link to it on your own website: Taking a vehicle abroad.

Also read Government launches campaign to prepare UK citizens for Brexit, published on 5 February. This includes a link to a useful information resource covering general advice for individuals and businesses, including but not limited to driving abroad.