Tyne Tunnels queries

Following the change in process at the beginning of the year by the operators of the Tyne Tunnels, the BVRLA has been inundated with queries from members who are struggling to pay the PCN or appeal on behalf of customers.

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The change saw the Tunnels' operators no longer accepting representations from vehicle rental and leasing companies to transfer penalty charge notices (PCN) for non-payment of the toll for using the Tyne Tunnels. The BVRLA will be writing this week to Senior Management at the operators of the Tyne Tunnels to request a call to address these issues. In the meantime, members are encouraged to pay any PCNs and recharge them to their customers where the contract allows. 

It should be noted that payment online is only one PCN at a time, although the BVRLA has been advised a bulk payment facility is being developed. 

Contact [email protected] for any related queries.