New GDPR webinar to support compliance 

Members can now access a brand new GDPR for Daily Rental webinar, designed to support rental and commercial vehicle members with compliance against the Rental Vehicle Security Scheme. 

There are ten requirements of the Rental Vehicle Security Scheme (RVSS), of which two relate to data. This webinar will support members to comply with both: 

1. Sharing Customer Data 

Share data and information with law enforcement agencies where it can be done so lawfully and consistent with data protection requirements. This data may include rental, loyalty, corporate and trusted customer scheme data on daily and commercial vehicle rentals. 

2. Staff Training 

Staff should understand their overall obligations and whether any given request allows them to share the requested data.  

The 35-minute webinar is a free resource and members can view it now by logging onto the BVRLA website and visiting the Webinars page.