Employee well-being is crucial for a healthy economy 

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and a good time to remind ourselves and others of the importance of good mental well-being, particularly during these challenging times. 

During a recent UK-wide industry meeting attended by the BVRLA, the Government acknowledged that employee well-being is a number one issue that must not be under-estimated or neglected as we look to kickstart the economy. 

With eight million employees currently furloughed and millions working from home, many of whom are juggling the pressures of childcare and  fearing financial uncertainty, it is no surprise that there is a reported increase in anxiety and stress-related illness. 

Members are advised to promote the importance of mental health amongst colleagues. There are several useful information resources from specialists, including: 

  • Automotive charity BEN provides tips, advice and tools for mental health and well-being 

  • Mental health charity Mind has published some guidance in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.  

  • Heads Together has a Workplace Well-being Hub. 

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