Consumer experience at public charge points

The BVRLA has responded to the Office for Zero Emission Vehicles’ consultation on the consumer experience of public EV charging, highlighting how members and their customers are heavily reliant on charging infrastructure.

In its consultation response, the BVRLA welcomes the Government’s investment and focus in this area, which includes proposals to introduce regulations that improve the consumer experience in the following four areas: 

  • making it easier to pay 
  • opening up charge point data 
  • using a single payment metric 
  • ensuring a reliable network 

The BVRLA also welcomes the Government gathering evidence on three emerging policy areas: 

  • accessibility for disabled consumers 
  • weatherproofing and lighting 
  • signage 

The BVRLA’s Electric Vehicle Working Group provided valuable input into the consultation response and will also help to inform future discussions with MPs at the forthcoming EV All-Party Parliamentary Group, as well as discussions with OZEV ahead of the publication of the National Infrastructure Strategy.