Clean Air Zones: charges for HGVs in Bath and Bristol live soon

Bath, which currently operates a CAZ C in its city centre, is looking to charge 12 tonnes plus vehicles to enter the city regardless of whether they are clean air zone compliant.

The BVRLA wrote to Bath last year to advise against this course of action when there are no zero emission equivalents. However, Bath and North East Somerset Council is pushing ahead with its controversial plans.

Bath and North East Somerset Council is set to launch a consultation to find out if people will support expanding charges to include Class N3 Euro VI diesel HGVs. Members who are interested in feeding their views into a consultation response should contact [email protected]

HGVs weighing under 12 tonnes would be unaffected by this variation.

Bath's Clean Air Zone | Bath and North East Somerset Council (

Meanwhile, members are reminded that the Bristol Clean Air Zone will go live next week on Monday 28 November with a small CAZ D.

Visit Clean Air for Bristol for more information.