New contact form for Tyne Tunnels queries

Following concerns raised by members trying to get responses from call centre staff at the operators of the Tyne Tunnels, the BVRLA hosted a meeting with operational colleagues at TT2 to put some new processes in place. 

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The first outcome from the meeting is a dedicated team and contact form for members to use when raising queries relating to unpaid tolls for Tyne Tunnels. As it isn’t possible to transfer liability for these tolls, members should use this form for payment queries but not formal representations. This service is available now and full details are on the Tyne Tunnels guidance page of the BVRLA website. The form is exclusively for BVRLA members so should not be shared with customers. 

In addition to this, TT2 is working on a bulk payment facility and a new process for members’ customers to be able to make post-payment representations when they believe they should not have been charged. Members will be advised when these become available.