Be heard on the issues that matter

The new year brings new opportunities to work with the BVRLA on issues that will really matter over the year ahead. Working groups help to shape the policy work of the association and allow members to have their voices heard.

The EV Working Group will be very busy over the year ahead with changes such as the ZEV Mandate coming into force. Any members with expertise and knowledge of the decarbonisation agenda and the real-world workings of ZEV adoption are invited to join. The group meets regularly to discuss policy positions, updates on the BVRLA’s work and changes from government as well as to gather key case studies and evidence. To get involved contact Senior Policy Advisor, Catherine Bowen.

The BVRLA is launching a new Working Group focused on the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) agenda, which is growing in importance for businesses. Members of the group will help shape the BVRLA’s position on changes to ESG rules as well as support engagement work with government. To get involved contact Head of Policy and Public Affairs, Thomas McLennan.

These are just two of the BVRLA’s Working Groups. Members are invited to get involved in any of the groups currently meeting, a full list and contact details for each is available on the website.

The association is also asking members to become ‘Industry Champions’. The Champions will reach out to their local MPs and candidates, inviting them to take part in a site visit at a local branch or depot within their constituency. Find out more and sign up to be one of the first BVRLA Industry Champions. Contact [email protected] with any questions.