New secure on-line community launched 

The Tell TVL platform will enable victims of vehicle crime to provide more detailed information about the vehicle theft/attack than is captured by the police today.  

This information will be shared with the police for the sole purpose of crime prevention, and it will help to provide insights as to how and where vehicle crime is happening, providing more specific crime prevention advice. It has been developed with the support of the Police at the National Business Crime Centre. 

Police databases are organised regionally so there is not a true national picture of the scale of the problem with vehicle crime. And because there is not a standard way to capture details of van crime including methods used to gain entry, drivers and owners do not currently know what to look out for.  

The Tell TVL platform is being launched by TVL Security, who design and manufacture vehicle security products. More information for members who would like to learn more and start submitting their vehicle theft incidents on the TVL website

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