Webinar: Carbon Reduction Plans, with Crown Commercial Service

Delivered by Andrew Smith on behalf of Crown Commercial Service, this webinar helps vehicle hire suppliers to understand the public sector's requirement for suppliers to produce an organisational Carbon Reduction Plan (CRP).

Crown Commercial Service (CCS) will be releasing a framework tender in August 2022 that will include the requirement for suppliers to publish a Carbon Reduction Plan (CRP). Failure to publish a plan will lead to non-selection of vehicle hire suppliers on public sector business.

This training webinar supports vehicle hire suppliers in gaining a full understanding of what the change means and what actions they need to take, covering:

  • An overview of PPN06/21 
  • Basics of what is needed in your CRP 
  • Areas that must be covered in the plan 
  • The template to be used 
  • What not to do 


Further details on Carbon Reduction Plans can be found on the BVRLA's Guidance page.

Members with any questions on this subject should contact [email protected], or pick up with the BVRLA team directly via [email protected]